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1.Huiling Qiu, Jiasheng Zhong, Lan Luo, Nian Liu, Kang Kang, Junle Qu, Wenda Peng, Deming Gou*. A PCR-based method to construct lentiviral vector expressing double tough decoy for miRNA inhibition. PLOS ONE. 2015, 10(12): e0143864.

2.Zhengjiang Qian, Zhiqin Wu, Lian Huang, Huiling Qiu, Liyan Wang, Li Li, Lijun Yao, Kang Kang, Junle Qu, Yonghou Wu, Jun Luo, Johnson J.Liu, Yi Yang, Wancai Yang*, Deming Gou*. Mulberry fruit prevents LPS-induced NF-kappa B/pERK/MAPK signals in macrophages and suppresses acute colitis and colorectal tumorigenesis in mice. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 17348.

3.Yanqin Niu, Limin Zhang, Huiling Qiu, Yike Wu, Zhiwei Wang, Yujia Zai, Lin Liu, Junle Qu, Kang Kang*, Deming Gou*. An improved method for detecting circulating microRNAs with S-Poly(T) Plus real-time PCR. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 15100.

4.Jun Song, Jinhong Xian, Minghuai Yu, Dong Wang, Shuai Ye, Hanben Niu, Xiao Peng Xiao*,Junle Qu*. Ultrahigh enhancement factor by using a silver nanoshell with a gain core above a silver substrate for surface-enhanced Raman scattering at the single-molecule level. IEEE Photonics Journal. 2015, 7(5): 4501508.

5.Fen Hu, Fulin Xing, Ge Zhu, Guangxue Xu, Cunbo Li, Junle Qu, Imshik Lee, Leiting Pan*. Rhein antagonizes P2X(7) receptor in rat peritoneal macrophages. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 14012.

6.Jun Song#, Jinhong Xian#, Hanben Niu, Junle Qu*. Significantly enhanced third harmonic generation using individual au nanorods coated with gain materials. IEEE Photonics Journal. 2015, 7(4): 4500909.

7.Bin Yu*, Lei Shi, Baozhong Zhang, Ke Zhang, Xiao Peng, Hanben Niu, Junle Qu*. Obligate anaerobic Salmonella typhimurium strain YB1 treatment on xenograft tumor in immunocompetent mouse model. Oncology Letters. 2015, 10(2): 1069-1074.

8.Jun Song*, Yuliang Tian, Shuai Ye, Linchun Chen, Xiao Peng, Junle Qu*. Characteristic analysis of low-threshold plasmonic lasers using Ag nanoparticles with various shapes using photochemical synthesis. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2015, 33(15): 3215-3223.

9.Dong Wang, Jun Song, Jinhong Xian, Yuliang Tian, Linchun Chen, Shuai Ye, Hanben Niu, Junle Qu*. Characteristic analysis of broadband plasmonic emitting devices based on transformation optics. Optics Express. 2015, 23(12): 16109-16121.

10.Yan Zeng, Yuna Wang, Zhiqin Wu, Kang Kang, Xiao Peng, Wenda Peng, Junle Qu, Lin Liu, J. Usha Raj, Deming Gou*. MicroRNA-9 enhances the transactivation of nuclear factor of activated T cells by targeting KPNB1 and DYRK1B. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology. 2015, 308: C720-C728.

11.Junpeng Qiu, Runfu Liang, Xiao Peng, Yahui Li, Lixin Liu, Jun Yin*, Junle Qu*, Hanben Niu. Experimental study on multicolor two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy. Acta Physica Sinica. 2015, 64(4): 048701-048705.

12.Bing Sun, Yiping Wang*, Junle Qu*, Changrui Liao, Guolu Yin, Jun He, Jiangtao Zhou, Jian Tang, Shen Liu, Zhengyong Li, Yingjie Liu. Simultaneous measurement of pressure andtemperature by employing Fabry-Perot interferometer based on pendant polymer droplet. Optics Express. 2015, 23(3): 1906-1911.

13.J Zhang, H Li, L Chai, L Zhang, Junle Qu, Tongsheng Chen*. Quantitative FRET measurement using emission-spectral unmixing with independent excitation crosstalk correction. Journal of microbiology. 2015, 257(2): 104-116.

14.Shen Liu, Kaiming Yang, YiPing Wang*, Junle Qu*, Changrui Liao, Jun He, Zhengyong Li, Guolu Yin, Bing Sun, Jiangtao Zhou, Guanjun Wang, Jian Tang, Jing Zhao. High-sensitivity strain sensor based on in-fiber rectangle air bubble. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 7624.

15.Artem Pliss, Xiao Peng, Lixin Liu, Andrey Kuzmin, Yan Wang, Junle Qu*, Yuee Li, Paras N.Prasad*. Single cell assay for molecular diagnostics and medicine: monitoring intracellular concentrations of macromolecules by two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging. Theranostics. 2015, 5(9): 919-930.

16.Shuai Ye, Jun Song*, Yuliang Tian, Linchun Chen, Dong Wang, Hanben Niu, Junle Qu*. Photochemically grown silver nanodecahedra with precise tuning of plasmonic resonance. Nanoscale. 2015, 7(29): 12706-12712.

17.Shuai Ye, Guanying Chen*, Wei Shao, Junle Qu*, Paras N. Prasad*. Tuning upconversion through a sensitizer/activator-isolated NaYF4 core/shell structure. Nanoscale. 2015, 7(9): 3976-3984.

18.Jianwei Zhang, Fangfang Yang, Liuying Chai, Lili Zhang, Junle Qu*, Tongsheng Chen. Spectral measurement of acceptor-to-donor extinction coefficient ratio in living cells. Micron. 2015, 68: 98-106.

深圳大学 生物医学光子学研究中心